发布日期:2024-10-26 20:32 点击次数:122
The University of Illinois stakes claim to 23 Nobel Prize winners and tech prowess that contributed to the creation of YouTube, Netscape, Java and Yelp. 伊利诺伊大学(University of Illinois)共有23名学友取得诺贝尔奖男同 av,该校培养的科技精英们莳植了YouTube、Netscape、Java和Yelp公司。
But students at the central Illinois campus don’t just bury their heads in books, they also party — so much so that they’ve earned the top spot on The Princeton Review’s annual list of top party schools in the U.S., the college guide said Monday. 但这所位于伊州中部的大学的学生并不单是是埋头苦读,他们一样热衷于派对。《普林斯顿驳倒》(The Princeton Review)3日晓示,该校在这本大学指南的年度派对大学排名榜中高居榜首。
“Drinking culture is huge here,” according to an unnamed student in the Princeton Review’s 2016 edition of the “The Best 380 Colleges.” The university has about 31,000 undergraduate students. 在《普林斯顿驳倒》2016年版“最佳的380所大学(The Best 380 Colleges)”中,别称不肯说起姓名的学生说说念,“这里饮酒文化氛围很浓厚”。该校现存有时31000名本科在校生。
University spokeswoman Robin Kaler was bothered by the No. 1 ranking — a first for the campus, which has been among the list’s top five for years — and said it painted students in a false light. 伊利诺伊大学女发言东说念主罗宾•卡勒(Robin Kaler)很为这个第别称感到烦懑,该校近些年来一直置身该榜单前五,这如故第一次高居榜首。她说这个排名诬陷了该校学生的形象。
“They are serious, they are hard-working, and to try to present them as being somehow irresponsible is insulting,” she said Monday. 她3日暗示:“他们严肃肃肃、悉力刻苦,试图将他们描述为不负背负的东说念主的步履是对他们的侮辱。”
The largest of the parties is an annual day of drinking called Unofficial, a St. Patrick’s Day celebration that was started by a local bar. The event included fatal accidents in 2001 and 2006. The university tries every year to keep the event under control, often beefing up police presence and, two years ago, even asking parents to help them tone down the partying. 伊利诺伊大学最大的派对要属每年的饮酒日,被称作Unofficial,这个派对由当地的一家酒吧为庆祝圣帕特里克节(St. Patrick’s Day)而发起。该行为在2001年和2006年王人曾形成致命事故。校方每年王人试图按捺行为的方位,等闲加多现场的警力,三级片电影两年前以至号令学生家长匡助他们令派对敛迹一些。
The Princeton Review’s publisher says the collection of lists is meant to paint a picture of life on campus at the schools it reviews, using students’ answers to a long series of questions about student life to create profiles, as well as lists for things such as partying, dorm life, sports, political persuasions and more. 《普林斯顿驳倒》出书商则说,这一系列排名榜意在通过学生的响应来样貌上榜学校的校园生计。学生们回应了一长串关系学生生计的问题来创建尊府以及包括派对、寝室生计、通顺、政事派别等方面的榜单。
“We have such a high regard for each of the 380 schools,” said publisher Robert Franek, whose review is not affiliated with Princeton University. “The University of Illinois, it is an exceptional school.” 《普林斯顿驳倒》与普林斯顿大学(Princeton University)并无关联。其出书商罗伯特•弗兰尼克(Robert Franek)暗示:“咱们异常防卫这380所大学,伊利诺伊大学是极为优秀的学校。”
For those who don’t imbibe, the top stone-cold sober school is Brigham Young University (BYU), the private Utah school affiliated with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Tops for most religious students? That’s BYU, too. 关于那些不饮酒的学生来说,最滴酒不沾的学校是杨百翰大学(Brigham Young University,BYU)。这所位于犹他州(Utah)的私立大学隶属于耶稣基督后期圣徒教授(Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)。关于最为虔敬的教徒来说首选的大学?如故杨百翰大学。
Looking for the best campus food? Try the small, exclusive Bowdoin College in Maine. 哪所大学食堂最佳吃?你不错试试缅因州(Maine)规模精小、登科严格的鲍登学院(Bowdoin College)。
Most satisfied students? Claremont McKenna University, under what one student told the review was “the constantly beaming California sun.” 哪所学校学生欢然度最高?克莱蒙麦肯纳学院(Claremont McKenna University)。有位在校生对《普林斯顿驳倒》提到我方最欢然的是“常常沐浴在加利福尼亚灿烂的阳光里”。
Want a job? Go to Clemson University in South Carolina, where students say they’re instantly part of a worldwide network. 思要找职责?那就要去南卡罗来纳州(South Carolina)的克莱姆森大学(Clemson University)就读吧,那处的学生说他们一入校就也曾融入众人网罗。
The party rankings, like most parties themselves, change over time. The University of Iowa is a former No. 1, but came in at No. 2 this year. 派对排名榜,正如大多派对自己,王人会跟着时期约束地变化。也曾问鼎榜首的爱荷华大学(University of Iowa)本年位居第二。
Freshmen due in Iowa City this month will find dozens of bars downtown and many house parties awaiting them. But the city has also made it harder for those under 21 to get into bars, and police officers will be patrolling neighborhoods to break up rowdy parties. 行将在本月到爱荷华市(Iowa City)报到的重生会发现市中心有几十个酒吧,还有诸多室内派平等着他们的到来。但同期该城也作念出愈加严格的法例,严禁21岁以下青少年参加酒吧,侦探也会去街区调查驱散那些嘈杂的派对。
Rounding out the top five party schools are, in order: The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Bucknell University in Pennsylvania and last year’s No. 1, Syracuse University in New York. 其他排在前五名的派对学校按次是:威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison),宾夕法尼亚州的巴克内尔大学(Bucknell University)以及客岁的第别称纽约的雪城大学(Syracuse University)。
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